“Sorry now the boring legal stuff”
Governing hire contracts entered into with Staycation Scotland, a company registered in Scotland.
Staycation Scotland
Registered Business Address: 8 Park Road, Dalmuir, G81 3LD
Campervan hire terms and conditions
1.1 These terms and conditions shall be incorporated into the contract between Staycation Scotland and the Hirer (defined as the "Lead Person" in the Hire Agreement), which shall be formed when, having made a booking either via the website, social media or over the phone, the Booking Deposit, or, in the case of a booking taken within six weeks of commencement of hire, the Balance Payment, has been received.
1.2 Staycation Scotland shall hire to the Hirer the Vehicle for the Hire Period, at the Hire and as from the Commencement of Hire, in each case as stated in the Booking Form, upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter appearing.
Commencement of Hire
2.1 The Commencement of Hire (date and time) shall be as stated in the Booking Form and / or the Hire Agreement.
2.2 Staycation Scotland will prepare a Customer Agreement Form, a Vehicle Manual which will specify the precise details of the Vehicle, , and a Pre-Hire Vehicle Inspection Form detailing its condition. At the time of collection of the Vehicle, these forms will be signed by the Hirer, which shall constitute the Hirer's acceptance of the Vehicle in the condition specified on the forms.
2.3 Staycation Scotland will use all reasonable endeavours to have the Vehicle available for collection on the date and at the time specified, but Staycation Scotland shall not incur any liability whatsoever in the event of any delay.
2.4 The Vehicle will be collected by the Hirer from Staycation Scotland at an address as Staycation Scotland and the Hirer agree in writing prior to collection.
3.1 The Hirer will pay to Staycation Scotland in advance:
3.1.1 A non-refundable Booking Deposit corresponding to 25% of the total cost of the Hire;
3.1.2 The balance of the Hire cost as stated at the time of booking at least 42 days prior to the date of Commencement of Hire or in the event that the Hirer submits a Booking Request less than 42 days prior to the date of Commencement of Hire, at the time of the Booking Request; and,
3.1.3 A Security Deposit of £750 for all UK drivers, £750 for all drivers from Europe prior to taking possession of the Vehicle. Drivers from anywhere else will be subject to acceptance by our insurance company and this may require an increased security deposit. Drivers under 25 and over 70 may be subject to acceptance of a higher security deposit at the discretion of Staycation Scotland.
3.2 Time shall be of the essence in respect of the payment of all sums due hereunder and the Hirer shall be deemed to have repudiated this Hire Agreement if any Hire or other payment shall remain unpaid for more than 14 days after becoming due.
3.3 All payments due hereunder may, at Staycation Scotland discretion, be made by Stripe or credit or debit card or bank transfer and shall (if not made by Stripe) be made to Staycation Scotland by telephone. All payments due hereunder are considered to be made when Staycation Scotland receives cleared funds in respect of that payment.
3.4 The Hirer will pay to Staycation Scotland interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum above the mean Base Rate for the time being of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc on all sums which from time to time may be due from the Hirer to Staycation Scotland hereunder and remain for the time being unpaid, such interest being calculated from the due date until actual payment compounded quarterly and to be payable as well after as before any Court order or judgement obtained in respect thereof;
3.5 In the event that the Hirer intimates to Staycation Scotland in writing that he wishes to cancel the Contract after he has paid the Booking Deposit but before the date of Commencement of Hire, Staycation Scotland shall refund the following amounts to the Hirer, within 7 days, using the same payment method as the Hirer used to pay sums to Staycation Scotland. The expenses and costs to Staycation Scotland associated with making any refund shall be borne by the Hirer and deducted from the sum to be paid from Staycation Scotland to the Hirer:-
3.5.1 If the Hirer intimates his wish to cancel the Contract to Staycation Scotland more than 42 days before the Commencement of Hire, Staycation Scotland shall refund to the Hirer the full amount of any Hire paid by the Hirer, with the exception of the Booking Deposit which is non-refundable;
3.5.2 If the Hirer intimates his wish to cancel the Contract to Staycation Scotland between 2 and 6 weeks before the Commencement of Hire, Staycation Scotland shall refund to the Hirer 50% of the Hire paid by the Hirer, with the exception of the Booking Deposit which is non-refundable; and
3.5.3 If the Hirer intimates his wish to cancel the Contract to Staycation Scotland within the 2 weeks before the Commencement of Hire, neither the non-refundable Booking Deposit nor the balance of the Hire paid by the Hirer to Staycation Scotland shall be refunded to the Hirer.
Security Deposit
4.1 An amount equal to the amount of the Security Deposit will be returned by Staycation Scotland to the Hirer provided that:-
4.1.1 There is no damage to the Vehicle, its furnishings or equipment;
4.1.2 No cleaning costs (other than its normal cleaning costs) are incurred or will require to be incurred by Staycation Scotland;
4.1.3 The Vehicle is returned Staycation Scotland with a full tank of fuel;
4.1.4 The Vehicle is returned to Staycation Scotland on or before the end of the agreed Hire Period; and
4.1.5 The Hirer has otherwise complied with these terms and conditions.
4.2 In the event that the conditions set out in condition 4.1 are not met, Staycation Scotland will deduct from the Security Deposit an amount equal to the actual or estimated cost to Staycation Scotland of returning Staycation Scotland to the position it would have been in if the Hirer had complied with the conditions set out in condition 4.1. Staycation Scotland shall return an amount equal to the balance of the Security Deposit to the Hirer.
4.3 The return of the Security Deposit to the Hirer (subject to any deduction as provided for in condition 4.2) will be made within 14 days of return of the Vehicle to Staycation Scotland or the end of the Hire Period, whichever is the earlier, using the same payment method as the Hirer used to pay the Security Deposit to Staycation Scotland with the expenses and costs to Staycation Scotland associated with the return of the Security Deposit being borne by the Hirer and deducted from the sum paid by Staycation Scotland to the Hirer.
Use of Vehicle
5.1 The Hirer may use the Vehicle for the purposes only of normal personal use and may not use the vehicle for any commercial or business purposes, including (for the avoidance of doubt) for the carrying of passengers and/or goods for hire or reward. The Vehicle is not to be used, and the Hirer will not permit it to be used, for any purposes for which it is not expressly designed. Further the Hirer will not use or permit the Vehicle to be used for hire, driving tuition, towing, racing, or pace making, or for competing in any rally, show or any other form of motor sport, or for any illegal purpose whatsoever.
5.2 The Hirer agrees that he will not and will not permit others to:
5.2.1 Without the prior consent of Staycation Scotland effect any mechanical or other modification to the Vehicle, make any alterations or additions, fit any towing equipment or other accessories or non-standard tyres, and any such additions alterations or modified parts which may be made (whether with or without consent) shall become part of the Vehicle and shall belong to Staycation Scotland;
5.2.2 Remove or interfere with any identification marks or plates affixed to the Vehicle nor attempt or purport to do so nor permit the same;
5.2.3 Deface the paintwork or bodywork of the Vehicles nor add or erect any painting, sign-writing, stickers, lettering, or advertising to or on the Vehicle.
Duties of Staycation Scotland
6.1 Staycation Scotland will provide, at no cost to the Hirer, standard vehicle insurance for either the Hirer or up to three alternative drivers, subject to
6.1.1 Such checks as Staycation Scotland may determine being carried out and revealing no adverse results;
6.1.2 An excess of £750 (or otherwise stated on the Hire Agreement), for which the Hirer shall be liable.
6.1.3 The Hirer being liable for all damage to the wheels, tyres and windscreen of the Vehicle; and
6.1.4 The individual being insured being between 23 and 75 years of age.
6.2 Staycation Scotland will provide, at no cost to the Hirer, standard breakdown cover, details of which will be provided to the Hirer.
6.3 Staycation Scotland will reimburse the Hirer for minor repairs, up to a total of £50, which are necessarily required to the Vehicle during the Hire Period, subject to the production by the Hirer of valid receipts for such minor repairs.
6.4 In the event of a breakdown that cannot be resolved by the appointed breakdown service at the roadside, resulting in the Vehicle being towed back to Staycation Scotland address and another vehicle not being available, then Staycation Scotland will pay the Hirer a refund of a pro-rata portion of the total cost of the hire relating to the number of days of the Hire period remaining, within 7 days, using the same payment method as the Hirer used to pay sums to Staycation Scotland.
6.5 If for any reason the Vehicle is not available at the time of the Hire (due to mechanical breakdown or for any other reason), then Staycation Scotland will offer the use of an alternative vehicle, where available. If no alternative vehicle is available, then the hire will be cancelled and Staycation Scotland will refund all sums of money paid by the Hirer to Staycation Scotland in relation to the hire. If the alternative vehicle is rejected by the Hirer, the Hirer will not receive the aforementioned refund. Staycation Scotland cannot be held responsible for any other out of pocket expenses.
6.6 During the period of hire, Staycation Scotland may provide a secure parking area for the Hirer's own vehicle. Staycation Scotland does not however accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, the vehicle or its contents however caused.
Duties of the Hirer
The Hirer shall:
7.1 Exhibit to Staycation Scotland principal valid driving licences (and in respect of individuals resident in a country other than the UK, an international driving licence as well) displaying a photograph of the holder in respect of the Hirer and each Additional Driver and two further pieces of identification acceptable to Staycation Scotland at its sole discretion containing the name and address of the individual concerned in respect of the Hirer and each Additional Driver;
7.2 Ensure that only the Hirer and the Additional Drivers listed in the Hire Agreement drive the Vehicle and that the Hirer and these Additional Drivers operate the Vehicle in a safe and responsible manner, and obey any and all particular vehicle operating instructions provided by Staycation Scotland;
7.3 Comply, and ensure that any authorised Additional Drivers comply, with the provisions of Staycation Scotland insurance policy in respect of the hire of the Vehicle, a copy of which is available on request;
7.4 Pay for all fuel and lubricants for the proper running of the Vehicle and ensure that sufficient fuel, oil and screen wash of the recommended types are at all relevant times maintained in the Vehicle.
7.5 Indemnify Staycation Scotland against all fines, penalties and liabilities imposed on Staycation Scotland or arising in respect of any non-compliance or contravention of any transport, traffic or other law or regulation, together with any cost or expense relating thereto incurred by Staycation Scotland;
7.6 Not take or allow the Vehicle to be taken out of Great Britain without receiving the prior written authority of Staycation Scotland and, in the event of that authority being given, only on such terms as Staycation Scotland deems fit;
7.7 Bear the cost of the repair or rectification of any damage to the Vehicle resulting from negligence or improper use of the Vehicle by the Hirer or any person permitted by the Hirer to use the Vehicle, in addition to any resulting loss of business and any and all out of pocket expenses incurred whilst repair or rectification is undertaken;
7.8 Not sell, assign, mortgage, let on hire or otherwise dispose of or part with possession of the Vehicle or any part thereof or assign or otherwise transfer the benefit of the Contract nor attempt or purport to do so;
7.9 Use only the fuel type indicated by Staycation Scotland when refuelling the Vehicle;
7.10 Not overload or permit the overloading of the Vehicle or leave the Vehicle unlocked at any time;
7.11 Not drive the Vehicle other than on a public road (please see also the prohibited Bealach Na Bà route in Applecross for our classic campervans);
7.12 Not permit any animals or birds in vehicle (unless a small dog has been included in booking);
7.13 Not smoke or permit any other person to smoke in the Vehicle (including e-cigarettes) or prepare any strong smelling food (such as fish stew) that will cause the interior trim of the vehicle to become unpleasant for future customers;
7.14 Not drive or permit a classic VW campervan to be driven above 50mph in any circumstances, this being without prejudice to the Hirer's obligation to observe all legal requirements such as speed limits;
7.15 Not use or permit the Vehicle to be used or operated in a manner contrary to any statutory provision or regulation or in any way contrary to law, having regard in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) to the regulations affecting maintenance and usage of tyres;
7.16 At the end of the Hire Period, return the Vehicle to Kombi camper’s premises at the address shown above or to such other premises as Staycation Scotland and the Hirer agree in writing by the agreed time. Failure of the Hirer to return the vehicle to the agreed premises by the agreed time will result in the Hirer paying Staycation Scotland a fee of £100 for the first day, or part thereof, and £150 per day subsequently until the Vehicle is returned;
7.17 Ensure that the Vehicle is returned to Staycation Scotland (subject to 7.16) with a full tank of fuel. Failure of the Hirer to return the Vehicle to Staycation Scotland with a full tank of fuel will result in a re-fuelling fee of £15 in addition to the fuel cost being deducted from the security deposit.
7.17 Have effected and paid for minor necessary repairs, subject to reimbursement by Staycation Scotland in accordance with condition 6.3;
7.18 Immediately notify Staycation Scotland of the occurrence of any event or accident which is a risk covered by Staycation Scotland’s insurance and shall follow Kombi camper’s instructions in relation thereto;
7.19 Shall consent, and shall procure that all those individuals who apply to be Additional Drivers consent, to Staycation Scotland obtaining, processing and holding personal information about him/ her/them; and
7.20 In the event of breakdown, immediately notify Staycation Scotland on 07399 782 997. RAC Breakdown cover is provided, the contact details and policy number can be found within the respective Vehicle Manual.
7.21 Not drive a classic VW campervan more than 100 miles in a day, which will ensure that our older vans do not get overly tired.
General liability
8.1 The Hirer shall be solely responsible for and shall hold Staycation Scotland fully indemnified against all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, proceedings, costs and expenses which may be brought against or incurred by Staycation Scotland as a result of any accident involving the Vehicle (other than death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of Staycation Scotland, its employees or agents).
8.2 Staycation Scotland does not hire the Vehicle subject to any condition or express, implied or statutory warranty in connection with the fitness for purpose or age of the Vehicle and any conditions and warranties are hereby expressly excluded insofar as permitted by statute and (save for Staycation Scotland liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Staycation Scotland, its employees or agents) Staycation Scotland will not be responsible for any liability, claim, loss, damage or expense of any kind or nature caused directly or indirectly by the Vehicle or its use.
8.3 The Hirer will be solely responsible for and shall hold Staycation Scotland fully indemnified against all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, proceedings, costs and expenses suffered or incurred by Staycation Scotland as a result of any breach or default on the part of the Hirer in the discharge of its obligations under this Hire Agreement.
Staycation Scotland Ownership
The Vehicle shall at all times remain the property of Staycation Scotland and the Hirer shall have no rights to the Vehicle other than as hirer and the Hirer shall not do or permit or cause to be done any matter or thing whereby the rights of Staycation Scotland in respect of the Vehicle are or may be prejudicially affected.
10.1 If the Hirer shall fail to pay any Hire or other sum payable under the Contract (or under any other agreement between Staycation Scotland and the Hirer) within 14 days of its becoming due (whether demanded or not) or shall commit a breach of the other terms and conditions whether express or implied of the Contract (or of the terms and conditions of any such agreement as aforesaid) or shall do or allow to be done any act or thing which in the opinion of Staycation Scotland may jeopardise Staycation Scotland rights in the Vehicle or any part thereof, then in each and every such case Staycation Scotland may thereupon [by notice in writing to the Hirer] for all purposes forthwith terminate the Contract.
10.2 The Hirer shall upon any termination under condition 10.1 above pay to Staycation Scotland:
10.2.1 All arrears of Hire then due and all other sums accrued due and unpaid at the date of termination, together with interest thereon payable under condition 3.4;
10.2.2 The cost of all repairs required as at the date of termination (other than those for which Staycation Scotland has assumed responsibility under condition 6.3 above);
10.2.3 Compensation for the loss suffered by Staycation Scotland as a result of such termination, such loss being determined by Staycation Scotland having regard to all relevant circumstances; and
10.2.4 Any other sums which are or become due to Staycation Scotland or to which Staycation Scotland is entitled by way of damages The termination of the hire constituted by the contract of which these conditions form part shall not affect any other rights of Staycation Scotland or any other liabilities of the Hirer subsisting at the date of termination.
10.3 On termination of the hire howsoever or whenever occasioned or on expiry of the Hire Period, the Hirer shall no longer be in possession of the Vehicle with Staycation Scotland consent and shall (unless otherwise agreed with Staycation Scotland) forthwith return the Vehicle to Staycation Scotland at such address as Staycation Scotland may direct in good order and in good working condition and at the Hirer's expense and risk. Without prejudice to the foregoing or to Staycation Scotland claim for any arrears of Hire or damages for any breach by the Hirer of contract of which these conditions form part or any other rights hereunder, Staycation Scotland or its authorised representatives may at any time after such termination or expiry of the Hire Period without notice retake possession of the Vehicles and for such purpose enter upon any premises belonging to or in the occupation or control of the Hirer and the Hirer shall be responsible for all costs, charges and expenses so incurred in retaking possession of the Vehicles as aforesaid.
Force majeure
Although Staycation Scotland will use all reasonable endeavours to discharge its obligations under the Contract in a prompt and efficient manner, it does not accept responsibility for any failure or delay caused by circumstances beyond its control.
No forbearance, indulgence or relaxation on the part of Staycation Scotland shown or granted to the Hirer in respect of any of the provisions of the Contract shall in any way affect, diminish, restrict or prejudice the rights or powers of Staycation Scotland under the Contract or operate as or be deemed to be a waiver or any breach by the Hirer of the terms and conditions of the Contract.
Concurrent remedies
No right or remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Staycation Scotland is exclusive of any other right or remedy herein or by law provided or permitted but each shall be cumulative of every other right or remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing and may be enforced concurrently therewith or from time to time.
Any notice hereunder shall be in writing and may be served by sending it by pre-paid first class letter post or delivery to the address of Staycation Scotland or Hirer, as the case may be, set out in the Booking Form or as intimated by Staycation Scotland or Hirer, as the case may be, to the other party from time to time. In proving service of any notice it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was properly addressed, stamped and posted. Service shall be deemed to be effective at noon of the second business day following the day of posting and any notice delivered to an address by hand shall be deemed to be effective from the date of such delivery.
In these Terms and Conditions, where the context so admits or requires, the masculine gender shall include the feminine or neuter (and vice versa) and expressions in the singular shall include the plural.
Privacy Policy
Staycation Scotland may collect registration information, contact and customer requirement information, and other information (including e-mail addresses) on this Web Service. This is done to help us provide our customers with the best customer service and with valuable information regarding relevant products and services from appropriate third parties.
Staycation Scotland is dedicated to protecting personal information and will follow all data protection protocol. All information collected, as well as related requests, will be handled as carefully and efficiently as possible in accordance with the GDPR guidelines.
Staycation Scotland is required to reveal the Hirer's non-financial personal information, such as name, address and driving history to the insurance company (Alan Boswell Ltd) in order to provide the required insurance cover for the Hire.
Vehicle Trackers
All vehicles supplied by Staycation Scotland are fitted with GPS Tracking devices, these will record and track, speed, distance, location, time and also highlight erratic driving.
Governing law
These Terms and Conditions and the contract of which they form part shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of Scotland, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.
Hirer Drive Endorsements
Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary it is hereby understood and agreed that this insurance covers the insured vehicle whilst let out on hire, subject to the following conditions:
The insured shall have completed , prior to releasing vehicle, identity checks including copies of all drivers licences, a formal identification document and a utility bill dated within three months of the hire and the deposit being taken by a clear and traceable means such as a debit or credit card. They will also have confirmed, via a DVLA’s licence check that the Hirer or permitted drivers are not amongst the excluded persons enumerated below.
The Insured Vehicle shall not be let out on hire to or be driven by: -
Hirers under 23 or over 75 years of age.
Hirers aged 23 or over unless a full drivers licence valid in the United Kingdom has been held for over 24 months.
Persons who have had their licence suspended for any period within the last three years. Persons who have had more than two convictions, resulting in more than six points on their licence or have been convicted of a BA, DD or UT offence. Persons who have been involved in more than one accident where they have been at fault within the last three years. "Spent" convictions, covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 may be disregarded.
The insured vehicle shall be driven only by the Hirer or other permitted driver who has completed and signed a Customer Agreement Form immediately prior to any hiring.
The insurers Customer Agreement Form for the Hire Drive insurance or as otherwise may be specifically agreed shall be completed and signed by each Hirer or other permitted driver. The Agreement must be fully completed by the Hirer or other permitted driver in all respects. In addition to the usual declaration and warranty contained in the Agreement, the following declaration shall appear in the Agreement, namely: -
"I further agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Insurance which I have seen and read or have had the opportunity to see and read".
If the statements and particulars in the Agreement are in the handwriting of any person other than the Hirer or other permitted driver, such person shall be deemed to have been the Hirer's or other permitted driver's agent for the purpose of completing the proposal form.
The insured shall be considered as the being the agent for the Hirer or other permitted driver for all purposes in connection with this insurance but under no circumstances shall the Insured be considered as agents for the Insurers.
The insured vehicle shall not be used for carriage of goods of an explosive, dangerous or hazardous nature or for the carriage of goods or passengers for hire and reward or any other form of profit or remuneration.
Any return premium for cancellation of this insurance or following any other amendment to this insurance will be allowed at the discretion of the Insurer.
Subject otherwise to the terms, exceptions and conditions of this insurance.
Website terms and conditions
Use of Cookies
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
We would be pleased to hear from you if you have any queries or questions. You can also find a list of our Frequently Asked Questions and answers below.
Who can drive your campervans?
If you're between the ages of 23 and 75, have had a drivers licence for at least 2 years, have not had any more than 6 penalty points on your licence in the last 3 years and have not been refused insurance in the past then you may almost certainly rent one of our vans. Drivers under 25 and over 70 may be subject to enhanced identification checks, DVLA checks and higher security deposit at the discretion of Staycation Scotlandand our insurance underwriters.
Do you have any exclusions?
No smoking (including e-cigarettes) and no preparation of strong smelling foods such as fish stew. This significantly impacts our ability to prepare a fresh and pleasant vehicle for future customers.
For you own safety and the condition of the vans please limit speed to 50 mph for our classic vans, they were never designed for speed and now they are all a lot older. We have fitted trackers to monitor engine speeds, please be kind to vans and they will reward you.
All drivers must be between 23 and 75 and have held a full driving licence for at least 2 years and any previous accidents or penalty points must be declared to us.
What fuel do the vans take?
Our classic campervan runs on super unleaded petrol (E5) only. The newer E10 petrol can cause mechanical issues and increase the likelihood of breakdown.
Can I smoke in the van?
Sorry, we do not allow smoking inside any of our vans, it also now illegal in Scotland to smoke in a vehicle. This includes any form of vape or e-cigarette.
Front page/throughout – new pics included?
Page 3 – In the unlikely event that your campervan has a mechanical issue, we have a comprehensive roadside assistance and breakdown recovery policy in place with CALL ASSIST. Before calling the CALL ASSIST number below, please contact us (call/text/WhatsApp) on 07399782997 to let us know the nature of the problem. We may be able to help you get going again without the need for CALL ASSIST to be called. If you do need to contact CALL ASSIST, please call 01603216366, quoting Stanley’s registration number TUW81F. You may also be asked for the policy number KOMB05VR02. Most breakdowns can be resolved at the roadside however, if CALL ASSIST cannot resolve the issue, you will be taken to a local garage or in some cases, to a local hotel until further arrangement can be made.